Important Customer Information
Payment Responsibility: Payment must be received (not postmarked) prior to the specified date to avoid either a late payment charge or disconnection of electrical service for nonpayment.
Failure to receive bill does not exempt you from monthly payment, late charges, or disconnection.
If your bill states "BALANCE FORWARD SUBJECT TO DISCONNECTION" that balance needs to be paid immediately to avoid disconnection.
IN CASE OF OUTAGE: If service is interrupted, check your fuses or circuit breakers. Check to see if your neighbor is off too. Report outage promptly. When reporting trouble, please give your name, phone number and the meter or account number listed on the front of this statement.
Customer Inquiries: Office Hours 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday
Billing Inquiries and payment arrangements, call 800-794-2353 or 620-873-2184
CMS Example Bill

Explanation of Terms and Abbreviations on Your Bill
- Account Number — Yellow number on Your Meter Pole
- Service Address —Description of Service
- BC — Type of Bill
- Meter— 4 Digit number on the face of your Meter
- Reading Dates — Meter reading for previous month. Meter reading for present month.
- Previous/Present Reading — Top reading is present month. Bottom reading is previous month.
- KWH Used — The KWHs used between the present and previous readings.
- Billing Demand — If applicable, the highest measured KW demand for the billing period.
- PCA — The difference between the actual wholesale power cost incurred and the estimated power cost in the base rate.
- Charges/Tax — Current total billing before tax.
- — Tax on current charges if applicable.
- Total Amount — The amount in this column is the sum of total amount including tax.
- Balance Forward — Any balance due is delinquent and the service is subject to disconnection.
- Budget Billing — A flat monthly payment based on the previous 12 month's electric use.
- Bank Draft — Automatic payment deducted from a checking/savings account on the due date of the bill.
"BC Codes"
- R — Regular Bill
- E — Estimated Bill
- G — Group Meter Bill
- N — New Account
- M — Minimum Bill
- F — Final Bill
- K — Contract Minimum
- C — Meter Exchange